Orthopedic Injuries
Orthopedic injuries are those types of trauma that involve the joints and bones. Statesboro Social Security disability lawyers are aware that data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that about twenty percent of injuries are orthopedic in nature.
While adequate treatment and time usually heal an orthopedic injury, quite often the time required for recuperation can be long, and the affected joint, limb, or even sometimes the whole body may experience diminished functioning of a permanent nature. If you have recently suffered an injury affecting your joints or bones, you may wish to contact experienced Statesboro Social Security disability lawyers in order to discuss your case.
Statesboro Social Security disability lawyers know that extended periods of diminished activity or disability may result from several different kinds of orthopedic injuries such as:
- Strains.
- Sprains.
- Broken bones (compound, comminuted, or simple fractures).
- Joint instabilities and tears.
- Separations and dislocations of a joint.
- Amputations.
No matter what type of injury has occurred, Statesboro Social Security disability lawyers will advise you that there is only one standard the Social Security Administration uses to determine functional loss: the inability of an individual to continuously walk for a period of time as well as the individual’s inability to perform certain gross or fine motor movements over an appreciable length of time for any reason, including pain. Additionally, the impairment must be expected to continue for 12 months or have already lasted for a minimum of 12 months.
If you have questions concerning your disability case or want to find out what you need to do to file a claim, please contact the experienced and knowledgeable Statesboro Social Security disability lawyers at the law firm of Durden, Rice & Barfield, P.C. by calling (888) 705-8672.